Friday, May 24, 2013

"Nice Website"

"Islamic Inspiration "

Islamic Inspiration

"My Favourite Islamic Quotes"

Don’t let a day pass without:
1. Thanking and remembering ALLAH
2. Asking for forgiveness and rectifying bad deeds
3. Fulfilling your salah on time
4. Doing any type of charity [even a smile]
5. Reading & understanding ayat from the Qur’aan
6. Practicing Islam and making dua for the Ummah
7. Remembering death, fearing hellfire and striving for jannah

Keep yourself busy in remembering your faults so that you have no time left to remember the faults of OTHERS
-Imam Sufyan ath-Thawri (Rahimahullah) 

Whoever wishes to purify his heart then let him prefer Allah to his desires.
(Ibn al-Qayyim)

"If you do not help him, Allah certainly aided him when those who disbelieved expelled him, he being the second of the two, when they were both in the cave, when he said to his companion: 'Do not be sad, surely Allah is with us.' So Allah sent down His tranquility upon him and strengthened him with forces which you did not see..." (9:40)

The worst feeling in the world is the moment you realize you’ve disobeyed Allah…again.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Choral Speaking (Little Red Riding Hood)

Yasmin ‏@YasminMogahed                                                                                                          3 May
 He separates you from those you love to show you the nature of this world. Then reunites you, to show you the nature of the next.

If you give what you love, for the sake of what He loves, you’ll have what you love forever.

Only whats given 2Dunya is lost.Whats given 2God is never lost.If u give what u love,4theSake of what He loves,u'll have what u love forever

He separates you from those you love to show you the nature of this world. Then reunites you, to show you the nature of the next.

After being starved for so long, a single drop would have nourished me. But You gave me the sea.

You are harsh and unforgiving of people, but you expect mercy and forgiveness from God?

Be very careful how you treat others. God deals with you in the way you deal with others.

When at first you could not have what you loved, your heart broke. But when you looked up and saw Who had taken it, it was remade.

When the veil is removed,Light can enter the heart.The same dunya u used to run after will run after u, bc all things are attracted to Light

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sometimes we give up on things because we see them as ‘impossible’. But, we forget that nothing is impossible to Allah. Prophet Zakariyah (AS) was in his 90's and his wife was barren. But he still asked Allah for a child! And Allah answered his duaa! Ask Allah—even when it seems 'impossible'.

Sunday, May 5, 2013



Bahan A (Diayak bersama)
300 gram tepung gandum
300 gram tepung sagu

Bahan B
1200 gram gula pasir
1600 ml air

600 gram minyak sapi
2 gram buah pelaga, ditumbuk halus dan diayak
2 gram buah badam, direndam dengan air panas untuk membuang kulitnya dan dihiris halus lalu digoreng dengan 150 ml minyak kacang
2 gram kismis

1. Isikan Bahan A dalam periuk yang besar. Rendamkan ia dengan air (dua kali ganda tepung dan simpan selama 2 hari. Tetapi pada setiap pagi hendaklah dikacau tepung itu dan dibiarkan mendap, dan pada sebelah petangnya pula dibuang airnya dan diganti dengan air baru.
2. Masak Bahan B hingga mendidih. Masukkan tepung yang direndam (buang airnya dahulu) besama-sama minyak sapi lalu dikacau rata-rata hingga mendidih dengan menggunakan api yang sederhana.
3. Apabila kuih mendidih, masukkan badam, kismis dan serbuk buah pelaga sambil dikacau-kacau supaya tidak hangus. Apabila kuih msak, iaitu apabila kita cecahkan jari padanya ia tidak melekat, boleh diangkat.
4. Siapkan loyang atau dulang yang disapu dengan sedikit minyak di sekelilingnya. Tuangkan halwa maskat tadi, ratakan sambil ditekan-tekan supaya kemat dan licin dan biarlah ia sejuk.

Nota: Sebaiknya kuih ini disiapkan dua hari sebelum dipotong dan dihidangkan.

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